Past Events

Events are held on Zoom and are usually not recorded. AFELL Members are encouraged to lead conversations, but outside specialists are also welcome. Events are only open to Paid Members and typically take place on Fridays. These are casual, confidential meetings lasting 1 to 1.5 hours.

If you would like to organize or lead an event, please email with your idea.


Forthcoming Fall 2024 -

December - Placing Archives

Lisa Darms, Executive Director, Hauser & Wirth Institute, Ursula Davila-Villa, co-founder of Davila-Villa & Stothart, Lindsay King, Head Librarian of Bowes Art and Architecture Library at Stanford University

November - Intellectual Property: beyond the contract

Jason Andrew, Founding Partner at Artist Estate Studio, and Danielle Falls, Managing Partner, First Gen Law

October - Insuring the unsure

Jason Andrew, Founding Partner at Artist Estate Studio, and Anne Rappa, Senior Vice President at Marsh & McLennan Agency


June - Donating Artist Archives Pt.1
Madeline Djerejian, Lutz Bacher / The Betty Center
Jack Garrity, Pacita Abad Estate
Daisy Holman, Estate of Elizabeth Murray

March - Addressing Preservation & Conservation Issues in Ephemeral Works
Louky Keijsers Koning, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Reid Ballard, Shigeko Kubota Video Art Foundation
Marie Warsh, Estate of Rosemary Mayer
Marsie Scharlatt, Hannah Wilke Collection and Archive

January - Working with a Living Artist’s Collection Martha Colburn, Pat O’Neill Studio
Madison Gordon, Samia Halaby Studio and Foundation
Liane Thatcher, Mary Heilmann Studio


October - Managing a Recently Deceased Artist’s Collection Dean Anes, Robert Therrian Trust
Christina Barton, Billy Apple Archive
Christopher Duva, Estate of Idelle Weber
Katerine Driscoll, Mary Obering Studio

July - Board Policies for Artist Endowed Foundations
Rachel Churner, Carolee Shneemann Foundation

June - Catalogues Raisonnes
Jason Andrew, Artist Estate Studio
Tiffany Bell, Brice Marden Catalogue Raisonne Project
Katy Rogers, Robert Motherwell Catalogue Raisonne Project

February - Envisioning The Future of An Artist Estate or Foundation (Also in person at Off Paradise, NYC) (Recorded)
Jessamyn Fiore, Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
Lisa Le Feuvre, Holt/Smithson Foundation
Chelsea Spengemann, Soft Network


November - Posthumous NFTs
Cole Root, Luchita Hurtato / Lee Mullican Estates

October - Working with Galleries
Jack Garrity, Pacita Abad Art Estate
Louky Koning, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Rachel Middleman, Estate of Anita Steckel
Lily Pendery, Merrill Wagner Studio

May - Navigating Legacy Planning for Artists
Lian Thatcher, Mary Heilmann Studio

March - Roundtable: Compensation

February - Role of Philanthropy in Artist Legacy Work 
Fawn Krieger, Keith Haring Foundation

January - Building a Legacy Project
Romana Lee-Akiyama, Chen Lok Lee Legacy Project


December-Appraisal Q & A
Jessica Maliszewski, Appraisal Bureau

November - Open-source database systems: Collection Space
Julia Schwarz, Artists’ Legacy Foundation
Alexander Nowik and William Wolf

August - Wikipedia Editing Course
Carmelle Safdie, Irwin Rubin Estate

June - Contemporary Archive (LACA)
Karen Dunbar, Michael Asher Foundation
Saida Largaespada and Hailey Loman, Los Angeles

May - Gifting Strategies
Michael Darling, Museum Exchange

April - Roundtable: Estate collaborations with Contemporary Artists

March - Rights and Permissions
Yayoi Shionoiri, Chris Burden Estate

January - Navigating Change in your Artist Foundation
Yael Reinharz, Surf Point Foundation


December - FileMaker Show and Tell 
Julia Schwartz, Artist Legacy Foundation

October - Advocacy for Estates of Underrepresented Artists
Rachel Middleman, Estate of Anita Steckel

August - Collaborations with Universities
Lisa Le Feuvre, Holt Smithson Foundation