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Membership is currently restricted to those active in legacy planning for a specific artist or community as well as representatives of an artist's legacy entity such as an estate, foundation or trust. Please fill out this form to apply. If you work for multiple artists or entities, please register each entity separately.

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Email AFELL@softnetwork.art

Upcoming AFELL Sessions

Friday, February 7th, 2025


Databases and the Digital Archive with Erica Love 

Erica Love has built custom databases for artists and estates for 20 years. Her skills include the design, development, security, and maintenance of databases tailored to a variety of mediums.

Love will present on her experiences, current best practices, and the range of options available. Time for questions and conversation will be included.

Advanced Registration Required

Please note: AFELL Sessions are open to Paid AFELL Members. Conversations take place on Zoom. Link to register will be posted and shared the week of the session.

If you would like to host a session please email AFELL@softnetwork.art.