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Membership is currently restricted to those active in legacy planning for a specific artist or community as well as representatives of an artist's legacy entity such as an estate, foundation or trust. Please fill out this form to apply. If you work for multiple artists or entities, please register each entity separately.

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Email AFELL@softnetwork.art

Upcoming AFELL Sessions

Monday, October 21 at 12noon (ET)

Insuring the unsure

A discussion about fine art insurance with AFELL Member Jason Andrew, Founding Partner at Artist Estate Studio, and Anne Rappa, Senior Vice President at Marsh & McLennan Agency

Questions for the panelist please email:


Register in advance for this meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

October 28th, 6-8 PM: Portraiture and Community 

*This is a livestream of an event at Soft Network, 636 Broadway, Room 320, NYC 10012. To RSVP for the in-person discussion please email chelsea@softnetwork.art

John Ahearn and Rigoberto Torres, artists, on their collaborative life-cast portraits

Max Warsh, artist, curator, and advisor to the Shirley Gorelick Foundation, on Shirley Gorelick (1924-2000)

Marcelo Gabriel Yáñez, photographer and art historian, on Sheyla Baykal (1944-1997)

Betty Yu, multimedia artist, photographer, filmmaker, educator, and activist, on her practice

October 30th, 6-8 PM: Portraiture and Memory through Oral History

*This is a livestream of an event at Soft Network, 636 Broadway, Room 320, NYC 10012. To RSVP for the in-person discussion please email chelsea@softnetwork.art

Penny Arcade, performance artist, actress, poet and theater-maker, and Steve Zehentner filmmaker, theater designer/director and archivist, on the Lower East Side Biography Project, a video oral history documentary project that they founded together

Lauren Shadford, Executive Director of Voices in Contemporary Art (VOCA), on the organization’s approach to artist interviews

Max Warsh, artist, curator, and advisor to the Shirley Gorelick Foundation, on conducting interviews of Gorelick’s friends and portrait subjects

Wednesday, November 13 at 12noon (ET)

Intellectual Property: beyond the contract

A discussion about intellectual property and ownership of work product as it applies to independent contractors with AFELL Member Jason Andrew, Founding Partner at Artist Estate Studio, and Danielle Falls, Managing Partner, First Gen Law

Friday, December 6 at 1pm (ET)

Placing Archives

Lisa Darms, Executive Director, Hauser & Wirth Institute

Ursula Davila-Villa, co-founder of Davila-Villa & Stothart

Lindsay King, Head Librarian of Bowes Art and Architecture Library at Stanford University

Please note: AFELL Sessions are open to Paid AFELL Members. Conversations take place on Zoom and are not recorded. Link to join will be posted and shared the week of the session.

If you would like to host a session please email AFELL@softnetwork.art.